What do we offer
Preparing for your success,
we provide a prominent IT bid platform.
Euro pricing calculator
Automatically convert your calculated sales or purchase price into 32 different European import prices with all local fees, eco-taxes, regulations, currency and regular taxes of the importing country. Our European price calculator gives you insights into all import prices in Europe.
Euro pricing calculator
Automatically convert your calculated sales or purchase price into 32 different European import prices with all local fees, eco-taxes, regulations, currency and regular taxes of the importing country. Our European price calculator gives you insights into all import prices in Europe.
Personal online showroom
Create your online showroom, in your own look and feel and with your own logo, to display all your cars. Via the online showroom you also decide who can see and buy your cars. Via a unique link you can share your showroom with colleagues, private clients or with the Carbidds community. You can also use this page on your own website.
Personal online showroom
Create your online showroom, in your own look and feel and with your own logo, to display all your cars. Via the online showroom you also decide who can see and buy your cars. Via a unique link you can share your showroom with colleagues, private clients or with the Carbidds community. You can also use this page on your own website.
Intercompany trading
Our unique intercompany structure make it possible that you can trade cars in a separate and secure environment, exclusively with your own colleagues, your own customers or the Carbidds community throughout Europe.
You decide who can see and buy your cars
Intercompany trading
Our unique intercompany structure make it possible that you can trade cars in a separate and secure environment, exclusively with your own colleagues, your own customers or the Carbidds community throughout Europe.
You decide who can see and buy your cars
Car marketing
You can use our exclusive marketing tools, create a PDF Document with your quotation or use the online showroom page. All marketing options are in your look and feel and with your logo. All marketing options are easy to use and can be sent to your customer base, your colleagues or to the Carbidds community via our internal mailing system.
Car marketing
You can use our exclusive marketing tools, create a PDF Document with your quotation or use the online showroom page. All marketing options are in your look and feel and with your logo. All marketing options are easy to use and can be sent to your customer base, your colleagues or to the Carbidds community via our internal mailing system.
Internal Carmarket
There is an exclusive car market on the Carbidds platform. The car market is built around the intercompany structure, so the seller can determine who can see and who can buy his cars.
The car market works with the buy-now principle or a bid option.
Internal Carmarket
There is an exclusive car market on the Carbidds platform. The car market is built around the intercompany structure, so the seller can determine who can see and who can buy his cars.
The car market works with the buy-now principle or a bid option.
Internal dealernetwork
It is possible to sustain and maintain your corporate dealer network in Carbidds due to the intercompany structure. Dealers can be registered and invited via your account in your own Carbidds CRM. The dealers are in your secure environment where only you can trade and interact with them. Your dealers can only see your cars.
Internal dealernetwork
It is possible to sustain and maintain your corporate dealer network in Carbidds due to the intercompany structure. Dealers can be registered and invited via your account in your own Carbidds CRM. The dealers are in your secure environment where only you can trade and interact with them. Your dealers can only see your cars.
C2B Purchase website
With a corporate account you will receive a free purchase website and process module, in your look and feel, language and logo.
Start buying cars from C2B clients and trade them on Carbidds!
C2B Purchase website
With a corporate account you will receive a free purchase website and process module, in your look and feel, language and logo.
Start buying cars from C2B clients and trade them on Carbidds!
Automated purchasing and sales processes
To make the purchase and sale of your (import) cars as easy as possible, we have automated all processes around the purchase and the sale of cars. This way you can handle the purchase or sale of a car digitally on Carbidds.
Automated purchasing and sales processes
To make the purchase and sale of your (import) cars as easy as possible, we have automated all processes around the purchase and the sale of cars. This way you can handle the purchase or sale of a car digitally on Carbidds.
VIN data
Carbidds gives the user the possibility to use our VIN data option:
• Data from 32 countries in your own language
• With local market and price information
• 98% of all VIN numbers in Europe
VIN data
Carbidds gives the user the possibility to use our VIN data option:
• Data from 32 countries in your own language
• With local market and price information
• 98% of all VIN numbers in Europe
If you want to join or get more information, please contact us

3526 KS Utrecht
Parizhka Komuna 26
9000 Varna